Thursday, May 18, 2006

crash boom bang

first "stumble thru"
no, there is (generally) no actual tripping and falling involved...more of a stumble in the brain...what the heck is coming next...does one scene make sense into and from another...staying true to the text always helps...but that's what we experienced yesterday...sean talked about the proposition this production poses...what kind of artist do we want to be??? well...if i'm a lucky girl, that challenge is present in whatever show i do...after that, basically it's just a matter of doin it to it...buying in to the whole shabang, and having some fun, hopefully. i'll tell you what...i'm kinda getting puppet envy. but i'm just beginning to see the light now that we all need each other just the same...the fear at the start was...who the heck is going to be looking at the mere mortals when you got a, i don't know, ten foot puppet onstage with you???
ahh, another day at GEPPETTO'S WORLD PARTEEEEEEE ONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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